I was sick today. In fact, from last night. That bad feeling, where your body dies out. There's weakness, extreme weakness. Fever is just around the corner.
And today, it arrived. 39 degrees (Celcius), the thermometer read, when my brother dropped by first with an exclamation: "Boy, you are hot!", and then with a thermometer.
This was nine in the night. I had been diagnosed with fever. Actually, what was bugging me more, was this headache. It was a pain, and I had been sleeping all day, to get rid of it, but in vain. Hence, after a days pain, it was finally, time to break the rules, and take a pill: Paracetamol.
Medicinal magic
Thirty minutes later. The headache vanished. I was rid of this pain, by this magic pill. Anyways, the weakness which had been running from last night, still prevailed. Even at the time of this writing, I feel extremely weak. Then there's this tendency to throw up. But I have my lessons learnt. From my days of Malaria back in 2004, I had learnt that vomiting was not an option, never. It was always a disaster. First, post-vomiting, you feel 'dead' weak. Its like your energy, going down from the bad 30% before, to 5%, afterwards. Certainly, not ideal.
Second. Vomiting, creates a mess. Its a headache in itself, if you have to clean it up yourself. If somebody else has to clean up for you, its a total embarrassment. And the stink. Its the third, most deadly dimension of this process.
So, here's the lesson: Do not throw up. No matter what!
Time for meditation
As was on my rest bed, waiting for things to normalise, I had the opportunity to think over a lot of things I had left pending:
- - Final year project: Bridge hydraulics
- - This blog
- - Our magazine
- - Our shirt
- - Our website
- - My fanpage on facebook
So, when I get up tomorrow morning, all well and healthy, its going to be action time. Its about time to get things done. To start work, and stop vacationing.