The whole nation is in a state of shock. Take my word, the entire 18 million people of Pakistan are baffled. We have reached the semi-finals of the T20 Cricket world cup.
Pakistan had to beat the South Africans by a big margin, and boy, did we beat the Africans like champions. Then England had to beat New Zealand. So we all prayed for England, Paul Collingwood, and the Queen.
And the morning paper read:
“Pakistan sneak into the semi-finals”.
Long live the Queen. Well played Collingwood. Go England! Go!
As we reached our classrooms, we hugged each other, and bragged over how near the World title was for Pakistan. Just two more good matches, that’s all we need.
All day, we kept smiling, kept discussing the miracle.
In the structural analysis design class, I solved a numerical on the blackboard. When writing on the board, the mind simply shuts down. I feel like a stupid girl. Luckily, the requirement was only to transfer what I had done in my notebook; just nervous copy/pasting, that’s all.
Ali and I go all nervous on the internship issue. So many average (and or lousy) guys of the class have secured internship at prestigious organizations. And look at us, we are still hanging in the air.
Dad, if you are reading this, tell me if there is any internship that you can put me into?
Enjoyed the economics class today. Sir Raza is a genius. One of the few people at NED who do not rely on books/notes during lectures. Today he told us why the city government was busy constructing flyovers for the last 10 years: to make the multi-dollar Karachi Circular Railway project economically feasible. Unbelievable!
In the soil mechanics practical, today we worked on the determining the particle size distribution of fine sand. It was a fun practical; playing with water, a buoying hydrometer, and a stop watch. Our instructor, Ma’a m Abid’s having her Masters exams in few days. She asked us to pray for her. She’s intelligent. She will certainly pass. She says that one should either pursue a Masters degree, or do a job, doing both simultaneously is a tiring exercise.
My sister’s got me an appointment with the ophthalmologist. An appointment with the consultant 3 months later, its not even funny. By that time, I would be half blind.
Till then, I have an eye checkup. Docs, my eyesight is 6/6. The letters above read,” G.L.A.U.C.O.M.A”
Laughed like anything today: the boy, the lousy kid with his sleepy, plump face, lost his girl friend today. He was roaming around alone like a complete idiot today.
Boy meeting girl, is this what the university is meant for?
Before I close, one last bit of information. The million dollar (just guessing), rut testing machine, which had been idle for the last two years, has started working. It was started off by an Englishman, Anthony, from Derbyshire. Its a funny machine, a transparent cupboard, with a moving arm. (Figure to the right taken from internet. Original machine image coming soon).
People are attracted to a white man in Pakistan, like a kid to a clown. We hive around him, hypnotized by his accent, his appearance.
Again guessing: they say this machine was brought for Madiha Zaidi. People are discussing with skepticism, whether she deserves it or not. I think she does.

The next time we meet, we might be the World Champions.